Concrete Calculators

Use Billd’s concrete calculators to determine the quantity of ready-mix concrete needed for your next project.

Concrete Calculator

How to use the concrete calculators

These concrete calculators estimate the cubic yards of concrete needed to complete your next concrete structure. If you’d rather know the weight of concrete check out Billd’s concrete weight calculator. To use a concrete calculator simply enter the length, width, and thickness of the concrete structure you are going to be constructing and click on the “calculate” button.

How to get concrete for your next construction project


Calculate how much concrete your project will need

To estimate the quantity of concrete required on your project, measure the area you will be pouring your concrete, and determine the thickness of the concrete slab or structure based on the project’s drawings and specifications. Then enter your measurements in one of Billd’s concrete calculators.
The estimated cost is based on the average cost of ready-mix concrete of between $125 and $175 per cubic yard. The price of concrete depends on a variety of factors including:
Ready-mix vs. bagged concrete
Ready-mix concrete is ideal for large projects and slabs where mixing bagged concrete by hand would either take too long, or require an excessive amount of man-hours, but for smaller jobs like walkways, setting posts, or pouring small curbs bagged concrete may be the way to go.
Ready-mix concrete vs. volumetric concrete
A standard ready-mix truck carries 8-10 cubic yards of concrete and can carry as little as 5 CY, depending on the mix, but any less than that and the batch plant can’t produce quality ready-mix because quantities that low won’t be mixed properly. When you are using under 10 cubic yards of concrete, getting concrete delivered from a volumetric concrete truck is a good alternative to bagged concrete.

Find a concrete supplier

To determine the right concrete supplier for your project you should reach out to several concrete suppliers and look for suppliers with ready-mix concrete plants close to your project’s location. Generally, the closer the ready-mix concrete plant is to your project the more money you will save on transportation costs.

Get quotes from concrete suppliers

Using your concrete quantity estimate, call or email your local ready-mix concrete suppliers to determine the best price per cubic yard of concrete delivered to your job site.

Pay for your concrete with Billd

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