Customer Success

from Auburn, California
CitiGreen is a solar contractor in the business of saving property owners money on their electric bills. They specialize in full service design, finance, construction, and monitoring in the commercial space. In addition, they also provide commissioning, asset management, preventative and corrective maintenance, and cleaning services to their customers.

The Situation

The majority of CitiGreen’s purchases are for materials and most times, their projects come in a flux of larger groups, rather than one at a time. Because of this, they’ve been experiencing funding issues.

Their lines of credit wouldn't always allow them to make the larger purchases that they needed.

As a result, it was slowing down their ability to complete projects in a timely manner.

The Solution

After hearing about Billd through a solar distributor, CitiGreen has been using Billd’s integrated payment solution for the past few months and has already seen great success.

They have also been able to bypass the credit check completely with vendors they’ve never used before, which has helped to keep their projects steady.

Billd has allowed them to keep their construction projects on schedule, even when there are multiple happening at once.

With Billd, CitiGreen was able to...

Eliminate the funding issues they were previously experiencing with vendor credit methods and keep their projects on schedule, no matter how many were happening at once.


“Billd has eliminated our problems with funding completely. We’ve been able to keep all of our projects on schedule with no delay, and we’re finishing our projects faster than when we were just using vendor credit. And the staff at Billd is fantastic. They’ve made the whole process very smooth and easy for us.”

Build more with Billd

Every job you win, you should build. It’s that simple.