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What is cast-in-place concrete?

Cast-in-place concrete, which is also known as site-cast or poured-in-place concrete refers to concrete that is placed directly on a construction site using formwork as opposed to precast concrete which is cast offsite and then brought to a construction site to be assembled.

More in depth definition of cast-in-place concrete

Cast-in-place concrete is used to create foundations, walls, beams, and other structures. To do this construction workers will set up forms and place reinforcing bars as specified by the construction specifications. Once the forms and reinforcements are in place then ready-mix concrete is poured or placed into the forms. Ready-mix concrete can be put into forms using:
– Directly from ready-mix trucks
– Using pump trucks
– Using a concrete conveyor
– Manually with wheelbarrows
Cast-in-place concrete is popular because it offers a limitless amount of possibilities to architects and engineers. Certain elements are also required to be cast-in-place like foundation caissons, spread footings, slabs on grade, and many other structural elements that are too heavy or large to transport from a precast construction facility.

Example of cast-in-place concrete

Almost every building foundation is created using at least some element if not entirely cast-in-place concrete. Here is a list of a few elements that are or can be created using cast-in-place concrete:
– Slab on grade foundation
– Concrete wall
– Concrete column
– One-way solid slab
– One-way concrete joist (ribbed slab)
– Wide-module concrete joist
– Two-way flat slab & two-way flat plate
– Two-way waffle slab