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Notices of Commencements: What It Is and How to File It

Read time: 4 minutes
Published: June 16, 2021
Last updated: November 13, 2024

What Is a Notice of Commencement?

A Notice of Commencement is a document that establishes the formal start date of a construction project and identifies the project stakeholders, such as the property owner, lender, and general contractor. It is filed in the county where the project is located, and it is typically posted at the job site and sent to all project participants, including subcontractors and material suppliers. 

The Notice of Commencement helps to protect the owner or general contractor from “surprise” liens, because it encourages all parties down the payment chain to identify themselves and their role on the job by way of a construction notice and the NOC will have accurate information for the construction notices. As the subcontractors and suppliers send notices, the owner and/or GC will know all parties working on their project, which helps in managing waivers, which also aids in unwanted liens.  

The NOC is especially important in regards to construction lien rights. There are some states, that require construction notices to maintain lien rights if an NOC was filed with the county.  Construction liens protect payments to subcontractors or other workers who provide materials or labor (including repairs) on a project. 

Historically construction liens have created several challenges for everyone involved. On one side, property owners may not know exactly who is working on their job, so they can be blindsided by lien claims from subcontractors they didn’t know were on the project. In addition, it can be difficult to keep track of lien waivers due to slow adoption of technology in construction, which can result in double or missed payments. On the other side, subcontractors don’t always have access to the information they need to contact project owners with notices or their current payment status. 

Notices of Commencement help keep all parties  on the same page with accurate project details including an official start date and a list of all stakeholder contact information. 

When Is an NOC Required? 

Only 11 states have processes for Notices of Commencement: Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Michigan, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah. The process varies widely between states. In some states, the NOC is a requirement, and failing to file it will make it difficult to start (and finish) the job. In other states, the consequences of not filing an NOC are less severe. 

Because the processes are so different from state to state, make sure to check with your local jurisdiction for specific filing requirements in your area. 

Filing a Notice of Commencement

Who Files a Notice of Commencement?

The property owner or top-of-chain party (e.g., the general contractor or owner’s agent) files the Notice of Commencement, since the notice serves as protection for this party. 

How to File an NOC 

If you’re a property owner or general contractor, you may be required to file a Notice of Commencement. Here’s how to complete the process: 

change orders

Step 1: Get familiar with your state’s requirements 

While several states require Notices of Commencement, the exact requirements may differ for each location. Make sure to check your local statutory regulations to understand your state’s specific rules. In all cases, however, it’s important to file early—generally, before any work begins. 

Step 2: Accurately fill out the notice form  

As mentioned, Notice of Commencement forms and requirements vary by state. So before adding any information, make sure you are filling out the right form. 

Then, complete the form completely and accurately. You will need to provide several pieces of information, such as the legal description of the property, scope of work, time of work, and the names and contact information for the construction lender, general contractor, property owner, and party commissioning the work (if different from the property owner). 

It’s important to be detailed and specific in this step. Subcontractors and suppliers will send any construction notices to these names and addresses—so if they aren’t accurate, you risk not receiving that information in a timely manner. 

Step 3: Sign and notarize

The property owner must sign the Notice of Commencement. If there are multiple property owners, the NOC may only require one signature, but it is recommended that all legally registered property owners add their signatures, as well.

In some states, you will also need to have the form notarized. Check your state’s regulations for more details. 

Step 4: File your Notice of Commencement 

Generally, you will file the Notice of Commencement with the county where the project is located or the state construction registry. Depending on your filing location, you may have the option to file in person, by mail, or electronically. 

Step 5: Display the Notice of Commencement 

Once you file the Notice of Commencement, copies will be served to all relevant parties, including contractors, subcontractors, and other on-site workers. A copy of the NOC must also be prominently displayed at the job site. 

What Do Subcontractors Need to Know About NOCs?

While subcontractors aren’t responsible for filing Notices of Commencement, they are affected by them as potential lien claimants. Subcontractors should pay attention to the NOC for the following information:

  • Contact names and addresses: If subcontractors send construction notices to protect their rights, they must send them to the correct people and addresses listed on the NOC. Similarly, if they file construction liens down the line, they must serve them to the people listed on the NOC. Otherwise, they may fail to fully protect their lien rights.
  • Project start date: The deadlines for construction notices may be based on the project start date listed on the NOC. Subs must be aware of and abide by this date to fully protect their rights. 

How do NOCs affect subcontractor payment rights?

Payment issues are common in the construction industry, so construction liens—which can guarantee project payments—can be valuable tools to protect subcontractor payment rights. Understanding Notices of Commencement is critical for subcontractors to correctly file construction liens and help them receive payment. 

Notices of commencement are designed to help all stakeholders involved in a project. By understanding how they work and why they’re necessary, owners and subcontractors can lower their risk and ideally get more timely payments for everyone involved.

About Billd: At Billd, we provide a payment solution that enables commercial construction contractors to free up cash for material purchases while enjoying the flexibility of 120-day payment terms. You get financing for commercial materials upfront with the freedom to pay it back at your own pace. Learn more about how we can help eliminate your company’s cash-flow problems so you can win more bids and grow your business.

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What is a notice of commencement?

A Notice of Commencement is a document that establishes the formal start date of a construction project. It identifies stakeholders such as the property owner, lender, and GC. NOCs are filed in the county the project if located in, and usually posted at the job site and distributed to all participants.

When is a notice of commencement required?

11 states have processes for notices of commencement: Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Michigan, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah. Processes vary by state; some require an NOC, while others do not. Always check with your local jurisdiction for filing requirements.

How do I file a notice of commencement?

The property owner or top-of-chain party (often a GC) files the NOC. The steps to file are: confirm your state's requirements; accurately fill out the notice form; sign and notarize; file the NOC; display the NOC on the job site.

Do notices of commencement affect payments?

Depending on the state your project is in, filing a notice of commencement appropriately may help you maintain lien rights on the project. In these instances, NOCs are essential in helping contractors get paid in full and on time.

Robbie ReynoldsVP of Business Development

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